YM Pre JYM Product Guide
The most effective all-in-one pre-workout formula.
Jim Stoppani, PhD
Owner - JYM Supplement Science
Welcome to my latest creation, JYM
Supplement Science. JYM combines real science with real ingredients to
deliver unreal results. Pre JYM, my cutting-edge pre-workout product, is
poised to revolutionize the pre-workout category.
Supplement companies love to
claim they've created a real "game-changer." Pre JYM doesn't play that
game. It doesn't need hype or flashy marketing. With 13 hand-picked
ingredients included at full doses, Pre JYM is in a league of its own.
simply, Pre JYM is the most effective pre-workout supplement I've ever
developed. It's built on solid science, years of study, and decades of
professional experience. Nothing is hidden, and there is no filler. Pre
JYM is research made real. It's pure pre-workout fuel. 
The Power of Pre JYM
No Proprietary Blends
Look at the supplement facts panel on
your favorite pre-workout product and you'll most likely see the term
"proprietary blend." Supplement companies want you to think this means
they've created a special blend of ingredients that magically work
together to deliver unique results. Because this blend is so amazing,
they have to keep the doses of each ingredient secret so no other
company steals the formula.
The truth, however, is that propriety
blends serve a different purpose. They allow supplement companies to
hide how little of each ingredient they've actually put in a product.
This results in cheap, underdosed, ineffective supplements.
Pre JYM doesn't use proprietary
blends. Take a look at its supplement facts pane and you'll see the
actual doses of all 13 ingredients. I have nothing to hide. I'm proud of
the amount of each and every ingredient I've included. Together, those
13 ingredients in those exact doses are the closest thing to a magical
formula that you're going to find.
Proper Doses
For the reasons detailed above, many
supplement companies are moving toward transparency and axing
proprietary blends. That's a good thing. However, these companies are
still guilty of grossly underdosing ingredients.
Take citrulline malate, for example.
The research on this potent amino acid shows that you need 6 grams per
dose. Most pre-workout products leave out citrulline entirely, and none
of them provide anywhere close to 6 grams. Until now.
No "Abbreviated" Formulas
A handful of companies are as fed up
as I am with proprietary blends and underdosed formulas, but they fall
short by using "abbreviated" formulas. An abbreviated formula is one
that uses proper dosing of all ingredients, but only includes a few
Take, for example, a pre-workout
formula that includes beta-alanine, creatine, caffeine, and tyrosine.
There's nothing wrong with it, but it could be made a lot more effective
through the addition of ingredients like citrulline malate, betaine,
and BCAAs, to name just a few. Why would companies not create the most
robust formula possible? Because adding more ingredients costs too much
Pre JYM includes 13 ingredients that
work in concert to prime the body for intense workouts, making it the
most complete pre-workout supplement available.*
No Concentrates
Many companies also try to trick
buyers by calling their pre-workout product "concentrated." A serving of
one of these "concentrated" products can contain as few as 3 to 6 grams
of powder. What kind of magic did they use to cram enough creatine,
beta-alanine, citrulline, arginine, caffeine, and other ingredients into
that tiny dose? They didn't use any magic, which is why all of those
"concentrated" formulas also include proprietary blends. That's also why
the serving size of Pre JYM is more than 26 grams. It contains 13
ingredients at proper, powerful doses.
JS, Not BS
I've been studying supplement science
in the lab and gym for decades. I've been delivering supplement advice
to millions of people in the pages of Muscle & Fitness, FLEX, and
Muscle & Fitness Hers, as well as here on Bodybuilding.com and my
own website, JimStoppani.com, for over a decade.
Most importantly, I've been training
since I was 11 years old. Before each of my workouts, I would draw on
all of my experience and all of my education to concoct my own
pre-workout supplement, combining ingredients from 13 different bottles
and tubs.
That's why I developed Pre JYM. I
wanted to give my friends, colleagues, all of you, and myself the
ability to access, in one bottle, the best ingredients in the exact
doses suggested to help build lean muscle, torch body fat, improve
strength, and boost speed.*
Prepare to experience the power of real science, real ingredients, and unreal results.
Hit the JYM!
Hit the JYM!
Jim Stoppani, PhD
JYM Supplement Science
JYM Supplement Science
Pre JYM Features
- Full doses of 13 science-backed ingredients.
- 6 grams of citrulline malate to promote better muscle endurance and bigger muscle pumps.*
- 6 grams of BCAAs in the 2:1:1 ratio best for blunting muscle fatigue, boosting muscle performance, and increasing muscle growth.*
- 2 grams of creatine HCL for greater strength, endurance, and muscle growth.*
- 2 grams of CarnoSyn® beta-alanine to boost muscle power, strength, endurance, and muscle growth.*
- 1.5 grams of betaine for greater power and strength during workouts.*
- 600 milligrams of N-acetyl L-cysteine to blunt muscle fatigue and keep you training stronger, longer.*
- 500 milligrams of betavulgaris L.(beet) extract to provide real nitric oxide donors for bigger pumps and better energy.*
- 300 milligrams of caffeine to boost alertness and drive, increase muscle strength and endurance, during workouts for greater training intensity.*
- 150 milligrams of AlphaSize® alpha-GPC for better drive, focus, and strength in the gym.*
- 50 micrograms of huperzine A to increase mental focus and establish a stronger mind-muscle connection.*
- 5 milligrams of BioPerine® to enhance absorption of the active ingredients in Pre JYM for even better results.*
Under the Hood
Pre JYM goes head-to-head with the five
leading pre-workout products on the market today, and it smokes every
single one of them.
Serving size: 26.5g
Serving size: 23g
Serving size: 6g
Serving size: 22.5g
Serving size: 5g
Serving size: 3.6g
6 grams
Dose is proprietary
Not included
Not included
Not included
Not included
6 grams
Dose is proprietary
Not included
Not included
Not included
Not included
2 grams
Dose is proprietary
1.5 grams
Dose is proprietary
Dose is proprietary
Not included
2 grams
Dose is proprietary
1 gram
Dose is proprietary
Dose is proprietary
Not included
1.5 grams
Not included
Not included
Dose is proprietary
Not included
Not included
1.5 gram
Dose is proprietary
Dose is proprietary
Dose is proprietary
Dose is proprietary
Not included
1 grams
Dose is proprietary
Not included
Dose is proprietary
Dose is proprietary
Not included
600 milligrams
Not included
Not included
Not included
Not included
Not included
500 milligrams
Not included
Not included
Not included
Not included
Not included
300 milligrams
Dose is proprietary
135 milligrams
Dose is proprietary
Dose is proprietary
125 milligrams
150 milligrams
Not included
Not included
Not included
Not included
Not included
As you can see from this table, the
leading pre-workout formulas either lack some of the most critical
pre-workout ingredients completely; include them at low, ineffective
doses; or hide small doses behind secretive proprietary blends. Nothing
on the market comes close to Pre JYM.
Under the Microscope
Let's take a closer look at each of the 13 ingredients and doses used to make Pre JYM such a pre-workout powerhouse.
6g of Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs)
- The BCAAs are three amino acids —leucine, isoleucine, and valine—that share a common structure.
- Unlike other aminos, BCAAs are used directly by the muscles as an energy source.
- Leucine is the most critical because it stimulates muscle protein synthesis (i.e., muscle growth).*
- Valine blunts fatigue, allowing you to work out longer.*
- The optimal ratio of leucine to isoleucine to valine in a pre-workout product is 2:1:1, exactly the ratio in Pre JYM.
6g of Citrulline Malate
- Citrulline malate is composed of the amino acid citrulline attached to malic acid (malate).
- In the body, citrulline is readily converted to arginine, and then to nitric oxide (NO).
- Research suggests that citrulline increases arginine and NO levels in the body better than arginine itself.*
- Arginine undergoes excessive breakdown by the intestines and liver. Citrulline does not, so whatever you consume is readily absorbed and put to use.*
- Citrulline malate is also a proven energy booster. One study reported that subjects consuming 6 grams of citrulline malate for 15 days experienced a 35% increase in ATP (energy) production during exercise and a 20% increase in phosphocreatine recovery between bouts of exercise.*
- Research also suggests that subjects supplementing with citrulline malate before a chest workout could complete at least one to two more reps on most sets compared to subjects taking a placebo.
2g of Creatine HCL
- There are hundreds of studies suggesting that creatine supplementation supports significant gains in muscle strength and power, as well as muscle growth.*
- Creatine HCL is made by attaching a hydrochloride (HCL) group to creatine.
- Adding the hydrochloride group lowers the pH of creatine, making it more acidic. This drastically increases its solubility in fluids, which increases absorption of the creatine and prevents any stomach issues.*
- Research suggests that when subjects consume the same amount of creatine HCL and creatine monohydrate, the creatine HCL is absorbed by the intestines about 60% better than creatine monohydrate.* This means you can take a much smaller dose of creatine HCL to get similar results.
2g of CarnoSyn® Beta-Alanine
- Beta-alanine is taken up by muscle fibers and combines with the amino acid histidine to form carnosine.
- Research suggests that carnosine increases strength and power, improves endurance and recovery, and even boosts fat loss and muscle growth.*
- One study suggested that four weeks of beta-alanine supplementation in boxers increased their average punching power in the last 10 seconds of a round by 2,000 percent more than those taking a placebo. Being able to maintain punching power late in the round is similar to maintaining more strength and power later in your workouts, meaning you can lift more weight for more reps.*
500mg of Beta Vulgaris L. (Beet) Extract
- Beet extract is a rich source of nitrates. When you consume nitrates, they are broken down first to nitrites and then to nitric oxide (NO).
- This means that beet extract is a direct supplier of NO and uses a different pathway to produce NO than citrulline and arginine!*
- Research suggests that nitrates improve blood flow to working muscles and the brain.* The result is greater training intensity and endurance, and better brain function and focus during workouts.*
- Research has also found that nitrates can directly improve the muscle's ability to generate ATP (energy) to further improve endurance during intense exercise, such as lifting weights.*
1.5g of Betaine
- Betaine, also known as trimethylglycine (TMG), is a modified version of the amino acid glycine.
- Betaine supplementation has been suggested to increase nitric oxide (NO) levels and regulate cellular fluid volume, which could further promote muscle pumps and overall muscle size.*
- Betaine supplementation has been suggested in clinical studies to improve muscle strength and power production, increase the number of reps done with a given weight, and improve endurance.*
- University of Connecticut researchers reported that supplementing with 1.25 grams of betaine twice per day for two weeks increased bench press power by 20 percent and muscle force on the bench press by 25 percent.*
- Betaine has also been suggested to significantly increase protein synthesis following workouts as compared to a placebo.*
150mg of AlphaSize® Alpha-Glyceryl phosphoryl choline (Alpha-GPC)
- Alpha-glyceryl phosphoryl choline (alpha-GPC) is a naturally occurring phospholipid compound that plays a critical role in the way the brain, nervous system, and muscles function.
- Alpha-GPC boosts brain function and mood, improves reaction time, and helps increase focus and the mind-muscle connection during workouts.*
- When combined with caffeine, L-tyrosine, and huperzine A (all found in Pre JYM), alpha-GPC delivers clean mental stimulation and focus that last throughout workouts with no crash.*
- Research suggests that, by increasing levels of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, alpha-GPC also supports muscle strength, power, and endurance.*
600mg of N-Acetyl L-Cysteine (NAC)
- NAC is the amino acid cysteine with an acetyl group attached to it. The acetyl group makes it more stable and allows the body to absorb and use it better than plain cysteine.*
- NAC is a powerful fatigue fighter that promotes energy production during exercise.*
- New research suggests that NAC works by preventing the disruption of the sodium-potassium pumps in muscle cells, delaying fatigue and maintaining muscle strength and endurance.*
- Research from the University of Kentucky Medical Center reported that subjects were able to perform strength exercises for 30 percent longer when they supplemented with NAC before exercise.*
50mcg of Huperzine A
- This extract from club moss is a potent brain booster that can promote better focus, enhanced memory, and elevated mood.*
- Huperzine A helps maintain higher levels of acetylcholine, which is important for brain and muscle function.*
- Combining it with alpha-GPC, which increases acetylcholine levels, has an additive effect, resulting in enhanced drive and focus in the gym, as well as increased muscle strength and endurance.*
300mg of Caffeine
- Research confirms that caffeine can immediately increase muscle strength, improve muscle endurance, and decrease muscle fatigue during workouts, which allows you to take your training intensity to a higher level.*
- Caffeine is also suggested to be a nitric oxide (NO) booster. One study in the American Journal of Cardiology reported that healthy young men taking 300 mg of caffeine experienced an increase in NO levels and an increase in blood flow to muscles.*
5mg of BioPerine®
- BioPerine® is a patented extract of the fruit of black pepper, or long pepper, that contains standardized amounts of the active ingredient piperine.
- Numerous clinical studies suggest that when a 5 mg dose of BioPerine® is taken with other supplements, it increases the absorption of those supplements by 30 to 2,000 percent.
1.5g of L-Tyrosine
- This amino acid increases alertness, mental focus, mood, and energy during intense exercise, especially when combined with caffeine.*
1g of Taurine
- Taurine is a specialized amino acid that is important for endurance and muscle strength. It can also increase nitric oxide (NO) production.*
- Exercise depletes taurine levels, thereby impairing strength and endurance, so it's critical to get a dose of taurine before every workout.*